With absolutely no travel experience, this is what I did the summer after graduating college:
–Drove more than 14,000 miles through 12 states
–Hiked more than 600 miles in dozens of public lands in the American West.
–Took more than 16,000 photos
–Swam in glacial runoff, encountered bears (more than once), hitchhiked for the first time, and made amazing, unforgettable memories.
MilesFromHome begins with this initial life-changing trip and beyond as I continue my travels. I’m hardly an expert on travel, even after such an extensive trip. I hope to show you the mistakes I made and the reality of travelling to some breathtaking bucket-list places. For example, everyone wants to capture the classic sunrise photos over the Grand Canyon. But no one tells you that you will be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with hundreds of others also attempting to get the same incredible photo.
Places Visited
Miles Traveled
Photos Taken
Where Do You Want To Go?